De que lado de la mecha del Diego te encontras las Malvinas son Argentinas.
- Origen:
- Argentina
- Fecha:
- 2020-2022
- Tipo de artículo:
- Flyers
- Descripción:
- Flyer Image shows the legendary Argentine soccer player Diego Maradona during the Argentina vs. England soccer match of the 1986 World Cup.
- Número de páginas:
- 1
- Dimensiones:
- 21 cm. × 30 cm
- Tema geográfico:
- Argentina
- United Kingdom
- Tema:
- Idioma:
- Spanish
- Envase:
- Box 159, Folder 297
- Derechos:
- This digital reproduction is intended to support research, teaching, and private study. Users are responsible for determining any copyright questions