

Nova busca Sua busca por: Data 2012 Remover Data: <span class="single" data-blrl-single="2012">2012</span> Category Politics and government Remover Category: Politics and government Category Politics and government Remover Category: Politics and government Category Politics and government Remover Category: Politics and government Category Politics and government Remover Category: Politics and government Subject Voting Remover Subject: Voting Subject Voting Remover Subject: Voting

Resultados da Busca

1. Vota arriba y a la izquierda: PSUV. Presidente 2012: Chávez, corazón de mi patria.

2. Yo voto por Chávez!

3. Yo estoy con Víctor Hugo Lobo.

4. Presidente 2012. Chávez, corazón de mi patria.

5. La seguridad es el camino. Hay un camino. Capriles Radonski - Presidente. Este 7 de octubre vota.