1. Something for you. Geographic Origin: Guyana Publisher: Caribbean Planned Parenthood Programme Date: 1970-2000
2. New World. The Idea of a Caribbean Community. Geographic Origin: Trinidad and Tobago Publisher: New World Publishing Date: 1974
3. CAMWORK: Caribbean Association of Media Workers. Constitution and a Code of Professional Ethics. Geographic Origin: Barbados Publisher: Caribbean Association of Media Workers (CAMWORK) Date: 1989
4. Carta abierta a las fuerzas revolucionarias y progresistas de América Latina y el Caribe. Geographic Origin: Costa Rica Date: 1990
5. Entre Mujeres Network. Geographic Origin: Uruguay Publisher: Entre Mujeres Network Date: 1990-2000
6. Campaña Continental 500 Años de Resistencia Indígena y Popular. Geographic Origin: Guatemala Publisher: Secretaría Operativa - Campaña Continental 500 Años de Resistencia Indígena y Popular Date: 1992
7. Conferencia Mundial de Derechos Humanos: Declaración de las Organizaciones No-Gubernamentales de América Latina y El Caribe. Geographic Origin: Chile Publisher: Editora Publicaciones Cintras - Centro de Investigación y Tratamiento del Stress (CINTRAS) Date: 1993
8. The Caribbean between Empires. Geographic Origin: United States Publisher: Program in Latin American Studies (PLAS) - Princeton University Date: 1994
9. Agenda política regional del espacio de concertación. Geographic Origin: Honduras Publisher: HIVOS People UnlimtedCentro de Estudios de la Mujer-Honduras (CEM-H)IBIS Date: 1995-2010
10. Hechos y personas hispanas en los sellos postales de los Estados Unidos. / Hispanic People and Events on United States Postage Stamps. Geographic Origin: United States Publisher: United States Postal Service (USPS) Date: 1995
11. John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Announcement of Fellowship Competition Latin America and the Caribbean 1997. List of Fellowship Recipients 1996. Geographic Origin: United States Publisher: John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Date: 1996
12. Emergency Guide: Floods, Hurricanes, Earthquakes and Chemical Emergencies. Personal Action Guide for Community Emergencies. Geographic Origin: Trinidad and Tobago Publisher: Point Lisas Industrial Port Development Corporation (PLIPDECO) Date: 1997