1. Barbados and the FTAA. Free Trade Area of the Americas. Challenges & Opportunities. Geographic Origin: Barbados Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade - Government of Barbados Date: 2004
2. Barbados Philatelic Bureau. Collect Barbados Stamps. Geographic Origin: Barbados Publisher: Barbados Philatelic Bureau Date: 2004-2005
3. Health Care Begins with Self-Care. Constipation. Geographic Origin: Barbados Publisher: The Barbados Pharmaceutical Society Date: 2004
4. Health Care Begins with Self-Care. Heartburn. Geographic Origin: Barbados Publisher: The Barbados Pharmaceutical Society Date: 2004
5. Health Care Begins with Self-Care. Influenza. Geographic Origin: Barbados Publisher: The Barbados Pharmaceutical Society Date: 2004